What Are Wrinkle Reduction Treatments?
Are you worried about looking older than you really are? Unsurprisingly, the onset of fine lines and wrinkles is one of the most common signs of aging. But wrinkles aren't only caused by aging skin. They can also come from prolonged sun exposure, diet, stress, hormone changes, smoking, and other lifestyle factors that prematurely age your appearance.
If you're ready to start looking as young on the outside as you feel on the inside, you may be the perfect candidate for a non-surgical wrinkle treatment. With just a few quick sessions of wrinkle reducing treatments, these radio frequency-based procedures can help undo the appearance of skin damage that can lead to fine lines, and restore firmer, smoother, more youful-looking skin.
Am I good candidate for this treatment? Will it work for me?
The best candidate is someone who is starting to lose elasticity in their skin and is showing early signs of sagging and wrinkles.
How many sessions will I need to see results?
Most patients receive 6-8 treatments per area. The exact number will depend on each individual person and the area being treated.
How often/far apart should the treatments be? Do I need to do anything to prepare for the treatment?
Treatments are done once a week. Just make sure you skin is clean. Do not apply any lotions, creams or makeup before your treatment. Remove all jewelry around the area being treated.
What does the treatment feel like?
The applicator will slowly get warmer till your skin reached the needed temperature and stays within that temperature range. But if you do feel it's too hot, just let our operator know and they can easily lower the temperature a bit.
Will it be painful?
Treatments are comfortable. Some say it feels like a relaxing hot stone massage. Some even fall asleep during the treatment.
How will I feel after the treatment? Is there any downtime?
If anything, you'll feel relaxed. The treatment is comfortable and has been compared to a relaxing hot stone massage. Some patients have even fallen asleep while they were getting treated.
Absolutely no downtime! The treatment area may look a little flushed and warm to the touch, but this will go away within 1-2 hours. You can return to your daily schedule immediately after your treatment.
How long will the results last and are they permanent?
The treatments are cumulative. After your final treatment, your results will continue to improve for up to 3-4 months. After that, your face and body continue to age, so maintenance is recommended once a month or every 3-4 months, depending on the person.
Do I need to do anything after my treatment?
No, you do not need to do anything after your treatment.